Ethical Principles

Code of Monad

At Monad, we constantly strive to act in a more sustainable way. We require all our personnel to familiarize themselves with our ethical principles and encourage them to report problems.

Code of Monad

We are committed to acting correctly, and our daily operations are informed both by our strategy and our values. Even small acts and words matter and have an effect on the whole. 

To support our values, we have put together eleven ethical principles to concretize our set of values. Implementing our ethical principles is based on daily acts and choices. We also encourage our stakeholders to familiarize themselves with our code. We are open to feedback and, in this as in everything else, we implement the principle of continuous development. It enables us to create a better work community for all of us and realize our value of responsibility.  

Respect for human rights

We are committed to respecting human rights. We realize that, through our actions, we can contribute to the implementation of human rights, and it is our responsibility to tackle any violations that we become aware of.

Our employees must respect the human rights of colleagues, customers, and other stakeholders. Monad respects the internationally acknowledged human rights in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN as well as the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization, ILO. 

We are committed to operating pursuant to the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights of the UN, and we expect the same of our business partners. We are also committed to ensuring that our operations do not involve child labor, forced labor, human trafficking, or any other form of modern slavery.

We require our employees to take human rights into account in their daily work, for example, in the following areas:

  • Occupational safety and well-being
  • Fair terms of employment
  • Anti-discrimination and anti-harassment
  • A ban on child labor and forced labor
  • The right to organize and negotiate terms of employment
  • Privacy protection

Respect for the environment

We are committed to respecting the environment. We understand that with small everyday actions, we can directly and indirectly influence the size of our carbon footprint. As a sustainable software development company, we also strive to make ecologically responsible choices in our client work.

Office Space

In our office, we promote ecological practices by taking care of the energy-saving features of various devices. Additionally, the office lighting is primarily controlled by motion sensors. Solar panels on our office building cover 6% of the total electricity consumption, and we also use certified electricity generated by domestic wind power in the Dynamo Business Park.

The building facilitates the sorting of common waste categories such as mixed waste, plastic, cardboard, paper, and organic waste. Our office has dedicated sorting stations to make recycling easy and accessible for all employees. We also ensure the proper recycling of batteries, and electronic waste (SER).

The owner of our property is committed to reducing energy consumption, water usage, carbon footprint, and improving waste management and recycling.

Tools and Workflow

We aim to choose sustainable and purposeful equipment for our work. When devices become faulty, we endeavor to repair them to maximize their lifespan. Our leasing partners take care of continued use or proper recycling of the equipment. We strive to avoid unnecessary printing.

For work-related commutes, we recommend using public transportation whenever possible. To encourage commuting between home and the workplace, we provide local transportation travel cards. We also offer a bicycle benefit.

We also support remote work or a hybrid model where feasible. Remote work helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy efficiency, and save on transportation infrastructure.

Occupational safety and well-being

Highly motivated and content employees who are fit to work are one the factors of our success. At Monad, well-being at work and industrial safety are part of daily management, where the prevention of problems plays a key role.

Monad is committed to providing its employees with safe working conditions that support their ability to work. We do not hesitate to tackle issues and take corrective measures if we become aware of risky situations or behavior.

We want our employees to feel well at work and in their free time. We are committed to promoting our employees’ physical and mental well-being, and we have several different policies in place to support them. That said, everyone is responsible for actively maintaining and improving their well-being.

Fair terms of employment

Monad supports everyone’s professional development and success. We promote fair and competitive salaries to attract and retain the best professionals.

In our operations, we respect all employment-related rights, such as the freedom of association and the right to organize. We do not hire employees who are not legally of working age. Every Monad employee has the right to express their opinions and be heard. 

Non-discrimination and equal opportunities

All Monad’s employees should contribute to a culture that takes others into consideration and respects different views, backgrounds, characteristics, and know-how. We want to provide everyone with equal opportunities.

Recruitment and other work-related policies are equally applied to the whole personnel based on the work requirements as well as the employees’ know-how and performance.

We treat everyone equally, fairly, and respectfully, and we have a zero-tolerance policy to discrimination. We expect the same of our business partners. 

No one should be discriminated against on the basis of gender, pregnancy, age, origin, nationality, language, religion, beliefs, opinions, political activities, labor union activities, domestic relations, sexual orientation, health, injury, or other personal characteristics, or for any other reason, such as due to part-time or fixed-term employment.

A work environment free of harassment and inappropriate behavior

We are all responsible for creating a positive work atmosphere. We treat everyone appropriately and with appreciation and respect. We support each other and work as a team.

We do not tolerate any kind of sexual or other type of harassment, insults, bullying, intimidation, threats, exploitation, physical or psychological violence, or other inappropriate behavior aimed at our employees, customers, or anyone else. This kind of behavior is never acceptable. 

Violence, bullying, and harassment are not acceptable in any form: not verbally, not physically, not via visual materials. Harassment is defined by the act and its effect, irrespective of its purpose.

Privacy protection and confidentiality

Monad is committed to protecting and processing business-related confidential information as well as the personal data of its employees and stakeholders in accordance with good data processing principles and legislation.

We respect everyone’s right to privacy. Equipment, email, social media, and other communications channels must be used in a responsible manner and in line with the company’s guidelines. They may not be used for fraudulent, offensive, or illegal purposes.

All of us have an obligation to ensure that third parties do not have illegal access to confidential information. Information may only be used for legal business purposes and in a manner required by law. We expect our partners to follow the same principles.

Gifts and hospitality

In some cases, gifts and hospitality are a normal part of building business relationships and interacting with stakeholders. Monad’s guidelines only allow for gifts of nominal value and reasonable hospitality.

It is absolutely forbidden to accept, offer, or promise gifts or hospitality that may influence, or give the appearance of influencing, decision-making. It is important to understand that, in some cases, gifts or hospitality can be considered to be a form of corruption or that they may create a conflict of interest, especially when dealing with the authorities.

Gifts and hospitality must always be pursuant to legislation and given for to a justifiable, business-related reason. Gifts and hospitality must adhere to the principle of transparency and they must be proportionate to Monad’s operations within the context.

Monad’s employees are not allowed to accept or offer gifts or hospitality outside the framework of these guidelines. Gifts and hospitality may never include cash, money transfers, or similar bonuses.

Anti-corruption and preventing misconduct

We promote our business and its growth through our own achievements, not by illegal or unethical means. We do not tolerate corruption in any way, shape, or form. Generally, corruption means gaining or seeking a personal benefit or a business benefit by inappropriate or illegal means.

Corruption can involve inappropriate payments, such as excessive fees, reimbursements, or other unjustified payments, compensation for travel expenses or inappropriate requests related to donations or sponsorships. In some cases, gifts or hospitality can also be considered to be a form of corruption.

The most common form of corruption is bribery. Our employees or any parties representing us are never allowed to offer or accept benefits the purpose of which is, or may appear to be, to convince someone to act to the advantage of the person making the offer or Monad or otherwise to attempt to influence decision-making.

Monad has a zero-tolerance policy regarding all deceitful activities. This refers to different forms of misconduct and dishonest activities, such as fraud, groundless demands, forged invoices, concealing key information, or forging documents.

Usually, the objective of misconduct is to gain money or other financial benefits or services in an unlawful manner. Monad’s employees are obliged to act with integrity and keep their personal finances separate from those of Monad.

Truthful financial information and anti-money laundering

Both financial and non-financial information must be presented truthfully and transparently. Deceitful activities include, e.g. entering inaccurate business transactions, providing misleading information, or encouraging or pressuring others to provide misleading information.

In order to comply with legislation and Monad’s financial reporting guidelines, it is essential to accurately record all financial information in the accounts at the appropriate time. Additionally, it is important to report and promptly pay taxes and tax-like payments in accordance with the law.

Monad adheres to the legislation applicable to money laundering. Money laundering means hiding the origin of money or assets gained by illegal means in such a way that the source appears to be legitimate.

Fair competition

Monad’s operations are based on fair competition. Competition law prohibits agreements or other practices that restrict competition. Monad as a company and its employees are not allowed to take part in cartels.

Non-public information may only be discussed or exchanged with competitors within the limits permitted by daily operations and legislation. We let our customers and distributors compete freely on their own markets.

Violation of competition laws has a significant negative impact on Monad’s reputation and operations, and it may also result in criminal sanctions against the involved parties. We make decisions regarding prices and terms of sale as well as other business decisions independently.