Diving Coder: Ilmari Combines Technology and Underwater Adventure

Written by Karri Harju

Ilmari Marttila is a software developer who began his career at Monad in the spring. Having graduated with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, Ilmari has already accumulated over 300 study credits, with a strong emphasis on software engineering. That’s why he plans to shift his major to computer science for his master’s degree. Alongside his studies, Ilmari has been working in the IT field for four years now. To balance his busy life filled with work and studies, he enjoys the hobby of scuba diving.

Dream projects are meant to be pursued

The software industry offers endless possibilities. Typically, there are no restrictions on experimentation other than perhaps the need for specialized equipment, as Ilmari mentions in the field of electrical engineering, where experiments might require high-voltage laboratory equipment. “Or at least a quality soldering iron,” he adds with a wink.

In practice, Ilmari is captivated by improving software efficiency. Optimizing a cloud-based microservice can significantly increase its speed, potentially saving minutes in various processes. However, often the choice between optimizing software and increasing hardware computational power is a delicate balance when aiming to speed up processes cost-effectively and in the long run.

Ilmari is particularly passionate about intriguing abstractions and different paradigms. Engaging in debates about which is the best solution or how to implement them is the essence of the field. “Discussing the right or wrong tools with colleagues is always fun,” he laughs.

Although Ilmari doesn’t want to define a specific dream project just yet, he has a clear opinion on the matter: “If I come up with a dream project, there’s nothing stopping me from starting it right away.”

Exploring the underwater world

Ilmari sukeltamassa
Diving involves a lot of technical equipment and preparation.

During his free time, Ilmari is currently working on a scuba diving-related coding project. He is further developing a scuba tank filling location app that originally began as a school project for Tampere’s sports divers. Its purpose is to ensure that the filling process complies with the requirements of the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes).

Ilmari has been engaged in scuba diving for a year and a half with Tampere’s sports divers. He has gained diving experience in Finland’s lakes and quarries as well as in Estonia. In murky waters, visibility is limited, but as his skills improve, he can venture deeper and observe the underwater environment more closely. “Most of the time, the view is like spinach soup,” he describes the underwater world.

However, there is still much to learn, even in mastering the basics. For example, the sensation of weightlessness underwater requires a lot of practice and adaptation, according to him. “The technical aspect of diving also inspires me. The sport involves a lot of technical equipment, preparation, and calculations of gases,” he summarizes.

Ilmari also finds time in his leisure for scouting activities. He serves as the secretary for the Vesilahti White-tailed Deer Scout Troop and has been involved in scouting since he was a schoolboy. Additionally, he has an interest in woodworking, but due to the constraints of work and studies, he doesn’t always have enough time for this cherished hobby.